1. My Darling Clementine (John Ford)
2. The Big Sleep (Howard Hawks)
3. It's a Wonderful Life (Frank Capra)
4. The Best Years of Our Lives (William Wyler)
5. A Matter of Life and Death (Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger)
6. Notorious (Alfred Hitchcock)
7. Shoeshine (Vittorio De Sica)
8. Bedlam (Mark Robson)
9. Beauty and the Beast (Jean Cocteau)
10. Duel In the Sun (King Vidor)
Honorable Mentions:
The Stranger (Orson Welles), A Scandal In Paris (Douglas Sirk), Oliver Twist (David Lean), Crisis (Ingmar Bergman), The Spiral Staircase (Robert Siodmak, The Postman Always Rings Twice (Tay Garnett), A Night In Casablanca (Archie Mayo)
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